2020 has been a year filled with unexpected. A year where people have faced challenges and tribulations. When the Centre Management team of Whale Coast Mall discussed the Jerusalema challenge, our aim was to create hope. Hope amongst our staff and to inspire a feeling of hope amongst our tenants and clients.

Our security, cleaning and waste removal teams have worked tirelessly in this unprecedented time to serve and this was something that sparked excitement and appreciation amongst them.

Please note that our tenants were not aware of the video being made, so this makes their participation even more special. They reacted so positive on being asked to participate and that shows the Whale Coast Mall spirit!

We would also like to thank all the landlords of Whale Coast Mall for believing in us and for believing in our dreams and vision for our community. Without you, we would not be able to operate as fluently, and we appreciate you.

We would like to re-iterate what is printed on our flags. We are family!

Video Credit: Nelis Engelbrecht and Werner Kortzen from Light Lounge Photography